텔리그램 - 파벨 드로프
VK라는 러시아산 페이스북의 지분을 가지고 있던 드로프
푸틴의 선거결과140%라는 황당한 지지율로 당선되자 VK에서 반 푸틴 운동을 전개함.
푸틴은 VK에 반대자의 정보를 달라고 요청.
드로프 가운데 손가락 날림.
하여..투핀은 갖은 방법을 동원하여 그를 VK에서 쫒아냄.
열받은 드로프는 찜싸서 다른 나라로 망명아닌 망명을 함.
그리고 자비를 들여 개인정보를 최대한 보호하는 메신져 Telegram을 만듬.
그러한 일련의 사태에 대한 드로프의 견해는 이러하다고 한다.
"(비록 VK지분을 잃었지만) 이번 사태 이후에도 저는 보다 더 소중한 것을 가지고 있습니다.
그것은 "깨끗한 양심"과 제가 지키고자 하는 "이상"입니다."
카카오톡 대화내용 개인정보 아니다
(이게 말이야 막걸리야..쩝.)
Kakao said that the conversation between individuals is not personal information.
It is just privacy.
OMG, Is there anybody can understand Kakao's allegation.
카카오톡 유감..
다음카카오 '초강수'에 與 "방치못해"·野 "오죽하면"
다음카카오 "고객 이탈이 더 치명적" 판단…처벌 감수
In these day in Korea, many Korean stop using Kakao Talk which is the most popular smart phone messenger in Korea.
After announcement of government's internet surveillance policy, Kakao Talk gives users' ID and their talks to the government voluntarily even if they said that they did not give any users' information a few months ago.
The co-founder of Kakao Talk mentioned about it on their Facebook, saying that it is not their fault. It is because of law enforcement of government or prosecutor's office. Do not blame Kakao, blame government. If you do not like surveillance policy, immigrate to another country.
But the users says that Kakao Talk's action could be understandable some how, but Kakao should do their best to protect all users information instead of voluntarily providing information and saying immigrating to another country.
Because of that, many users disappointed at Kakao's action and trying to use another messenger such as Telegram. Too read what is Telegram, read the following link.
Lastly if we compare the comments of Kakao and Telegram respectively, we know which one would be respected from the users.
Founder of Vkontakte leaves after dispute with Kremlin-linked owners
#BBCtrending: Why South Koreans are fleeing the country's biggest social network
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