October 17, 2014

대한민국 고등학생 현실
Korean high school student

Korean high school students are generally very smart, which means that they know a lot of things, economy, history, politics and culture.

They have a lot of information and data in their brain I think. But when they are asked about what they want to be or to do in the future, and what their dreams about, they become silent.

They dream as high school student is to go a good university like ivy league university in USA, and after university, and then to work at a company like Samsung company or LG or to become a civil service because its job stability after university graduation.

And their dream when they are old is to do leas business with building. In short, their dream is all about money. They are not that much interested in friendship, love, cooperation or collaboration, work together, care other people. Of course, not all students are like that, but generally speaking they are.

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